Who we are - Where we are going and why.
We are kingdom citizens called according to His purpose. To water His garden, to prune , care for and support christians all around the world. We teach the sound Word of God in these end times, uplifting the souls of christians and helping them grow in the Lord.
Nourishment for your christian life. We provide extra support to HELP you live the best life you can for His Glory.
A purpose driven life in the will of the Almighty God is.
A place of pure Worship
When you can worship the Lord truly in spirit and in truth. When the worship is purely about God and his manifested power in your life.
A place of true & PURE love.
When you love the Lord God with all your heart, with all your might and with all your soul. And you love your neighbour as yourself. Living your life focused on God.
A place of total obedience
When you hear His voice, read His word and obey His instruction through the leading of the Holly Spirit. When you life's goal is to please in Him.
Our mission is to liberate christians oppressed and bound by the devil, to support the body of christ as an embassy of the Kingdom of God and give you, true , pure resources you can use to grow. Our vision is to get you to the point in your life where the word of God has transformed you, and your will is in submission to the purpose of God for your life. When you are truly His chess piece in His grand master plan and you are totally dedicated to pleasing Him. We want to get you there through the word of God, worship, prayer and fellowship. Sharing wisdom for living in these dangerous times. Providing support for you and demonstrating the ultimate power of God so that you know that our God still heals, He saves, He is still in the miracle business. Nothing Has changed.
We believe that as the body of Christ we need to come together. Stand together and pray. The harvest of the Lord is coming soon we need to prepare ourselves and be like the 5 wise maidens.
The Watered Garden Family was founded in 2020 by Samuel Light OraBeth-Obrempong and His wife Lena Afua OraBeth-Obrempong, after heeding the call of God on His life to start this ministry.
For over 13 years, this vision has been on his mind, while struggling to accept the call, God was preparing him for the time He will lead Him to start it. With a different focus on the ministry, The Watered Garden Family hopes to provide the missing meat that christians need to grow.
God Loves You Dearly. Are You Aware.
© 2020 The Watered Garden Family. All Righits Reserved